Mortgage Basics: Prequalification or Pre-Approval – What Do I Need? [MUSIC PLAYING] (SPEECH) Should you complete a prequalification or a pre-approval? They're both valuable parts of the home buying and mortgage process. But your situation determines which you're ready for. (DESCRIPTION) Two sheets of paper are shown and combine. A house is shown on the paper. (SPEECH) Prequalification is the preliminary discussion about financing a mortgage. (DESCRIPTION) A paper airplane is made from the sheets of paper and flies across the screen. (SPEECH) So if you're wondering if home-ownership is even right for you or you're unsure about your mortgage options, a prequalification might be the right way to start exploring your possibilities. (DESCRIPTION) A woman is observing a computer with properties displayed. A compass is shown and point to different homes, resembling the different renting options you will have. (SPEECH) It can also be a helpful first step if you're starting a full-time job after finishing school or you aren't sure about your credit and price range. (DESCRIPTION) A student in a graduation gown throws her hat into the air. The hat expands into a blue screen and shows a stack of money and a pie chart. (SPEECH) Pre-approval is more specific to the final purchase. But it's not a commitment to borrow or a commitment by the bank to lend. (DESCRIPTION) A hand scrolls through images of houses on a phone. (SPEECH) You might want to start the pre-approval process if you're shopping for homes, have a real estate agent, or if you've already defined your price range. (DESCRIPTION) A man and a woman stand next to a house with a “FOR SALE” sign. (SPEECH) If you're ready, a potential lender will evaluate all of your financial information and help you determine the mortgage program for a particular home, or a price range if you're deciding between a few. (DESCRIPTION) Sheets of paper appear with dollar signs and text. A man and a woman shake hands. Three homes appear in circles above the hands. (SPEECH) A pre-approval usually lasts around 90 days. So it's good to get pre-approved when you've made up your mind about buying a home, so prequalification or pre-approval. (DESCRIPTION) A calendar flips through the pages. A family and dog appear next to a home. [MUSIC PLAYING] (DESCRIPTION) A paper airplane flies across the screen. Logo, US Bank. Equal Housing Lender Disclaimer Messaging.